it's just another manyc monday. every monday.                     

letzte änderung/ last update: 19.02.2006 21:14  
tired of trying to find your way through this all german website on you own? here are some tips that might help a little!

we have a strict 'no-pictures'-policy, so please leave your cameras at home and your cell phones turned of while on our party!

here are the basics:

we are doing an after-hour starting every sunday night at 11.59 p.m. at the 'pfefferbank' in the 'pfefferberg', finishing on mondays 1 p.m.  
it's right next to the subway station 'senefelder platz' (u2). 

go to 'location'

the actual program is found on the 'programm' page ;)) our resident dj is  eric d. clark. also very regular guests are the sex in dallas dj-team, beaner aka. pablo alcala and marro. additionally we usually present one or two guest djs/ live act per party.

go to 'programm'

in case you find a name in the program that says absolutely nothing to you, please check out our 'artist info' section where you will find info about the artists and usually a weblink that provides more deatailed information - often composed in english!

go to 'artist info'

the 'artistgraphy' simply shows you a listing of all djs, live acts or performers hosted at our parties. we try to provide the date when the artist is going to be at our party the next time. usually the artist's name is linked to his/her website!

go to 'artistgraphy'

on our 'freunde' page we feature parties, events, webcommunities or other stuff we are supporting for strictly egotistical reasons. check them out!

go to 'freunde'

the 'kontakt&impressum' section provides you with our complete contact information for different purposes - postal and different email addresses. we guarantee that we will not use an email address you filled in here for any other purposes than to respond directly! if you want to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, please send a short email to newsletter[at]!

go to 'kontakt&impressum'

ok, that is basically it. if you have anymore questions or comments do not hesitate to send us an email!  hope to see you at our party!
